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“It is Finished!”

garden praying

Sweating drops of blood, in anguish I prayed,


While friends sleep in the cool of the night’s shade,


A crowd, a commotion; with a kiss I am betrayed,


Scorn and ridicule; with a crown of thorns and a royal robe I am arrayed,


With the shards of a crude whip my body is beaten and flayed,


“CRUCIFY HIM” came the verdict of the angry brigade,

jesus on cross

Hands and feet nailed to a cross, as a trophy I was displayed,

jesus tomb

“It is finished!” In a dark tomb my body was laid,

 risen jesus

Hell and death defeated; for you the price of sin I paid!

“God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” (Romans 5:8)